Monday, November 19, 2007

Unquestionable Evil

There is no doubt that our society is in some serious trouble. One needs look no further than out the front door to see just how far our society has fallen. What has driven our society to turn so far from God and from good? While all evil—great and small—separates us from God’s love, one in particular evil that has permitted our society to deteriorate is relativism. This philosophy, which centers on the idea that what is true for you may not be true for me, is not only contrary to natural law, but is a sure way to destruction and despair.

It is often said that Satan’s greatest trick is to convince someone that he does not exist. This is exactly what happens when someone falls into the trap of relativism. When one says, “What is true for you is not necessarily true for me,” what he is really saying goes a lot deeper: “What you consider sin is not what I consider sin.” Relativism is thus a direct rejection of the existence of the supernatural world that surrounds us in which evil tempts us. Since temptation does not exist by the standards of relativism, the role of Satan in the world becomes illogical. Consequently, the power of evil is diluted. And, when we as a society dilute the power of Satan, we dilute the power of God.

In the relativistic line of thought each individual person becomes the final judge of right and wrong—each individual becomes an equivalent of God. See how fatal relativism then becomes? At first what starts so seemingly innocent—“What is true for you may not be necessarily true for me”—soon becomes a mortal sin—“I decide what is right and wrong; I am the judge of good and evil.” Relativism is a perverted and convoluted form of rejecting the supremacy of God.

It is for this reason that relativism is in direct conflict with natural law. Each man has it written on his heart what is right and what is wrong. God has graced each man with the same innate sense of good and evil. When one tries to apply his own sense of right and wrong, he rejects the natural law engraved upon his soul. Nothing is more unnatural for man than to attempt to be the judge of right and wrong.

In doing so, man assures his own destruction. Though a man may tell himself countless times that a sin is not really evil, he will still feel the pang of guilt for that sin. This is because sin goes deeper than the flesh, deeper than the mind. Since the mind cannot conquer the soul, it is impossible for a man to feel completely guiltless when he sins, even if in his mind he is convinced that his actions are not sinful. In this manner, relativism causes a tremendous buildup of guilt that leads to destruction of the person. This accumulation of guilt either calluses the soul or it causes a person to indefinitely wallow in their remorse. Both affects create a slippery slope into the eternal despair of hell.

By submitting to the philosophy of relativism one embarks down a dangerous road. What starts as a simple line of thought soon ends in utter destruction and despair. In its completely unnatural ways, relativism rejects the existence of evil in the world. Moreover, it diminishes the power of God as the Supreme Judge. It hardens the hearts of men or causes them to dwell in a state of grief and guilt. The longer that our society continues to deem relativism as an acceptable philosophy the farther into sin we cast ourselves. We need to acknowledge that there is a definite set of morals and ethics that governs our world and we must not hesitate in holding ourselves accountable to these natural laws.

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